Better To Start Again


Alhamdulillah biidznillah Allah made it easier for me to starting my blogging journey again, after very long hiatus.

I decided to made a new blog instead of using my first blog.

I thought that my previous blog has very random things, i want this new blog to be clean.

And I decided to not removing the first blog, it has lots of memories there. The memories and experience that delivers me to be who am I now. 

Maybe I will still continue writing on that blog with the theme that fit on it (like my hobbies). 

This blog is more about fawaidh/benefit that I got, motivation, quotes, etc. It's more about da'wa/preach, something that makes you want to be better, and hoping for not giving up, staying alive. That's why I choose the name of this blog: Journey of Hope or Rihlatul Amal in Arabic.

Oh before of that, I want to tell a bit. I am still active to write, although i am rarely writing on blogger again.

I mostly write to keep it private to myself only, like on the diary journal and digital notes on my phone. Sometimes I also publish as tweets or on instagram caption, but it's very rare. 

I am a bit embarrassed to publish my writing, it's kind of insecurities and mixed with i am afraid about the niah.

But Asatidz said that it's impossible a person doesn't have any sins —Which make us think we can't preach based on it—

We may not practice it everytime, but the reason is, if we can do hard to be better each day. Little by little is okay.

And Allah knows more about what's hiding in your heart. We, humans, are just weak, so we have to always seeking for His helps so our niah always straight just for Allah.

لا ﻫَﻮْﻝَ ﻭَﻻَ ﻗُﻮَّﺕَ ﺍِﻻَّﺑِﺎﻟﻠّﻪ

Furthermore, before closing, I wanna say many thanks for my friends that always support me, so that I am not insecure to publish my writing again now. And yeah, this blog will be bilingual in Indonesian or English, it's based on my mood:))

That's my opening, maybe i'll share my unpublished writing later. See you!


Wednesday, August 11, 2021.

At Mataram, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.


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