
Ya Allah, thanks for giving me good family and friends.
Ya Allah I really love 'em so much.
Pls bless 'em and I hope we can meet again later on the paradise.

Ya Allah, I realized how patient my family are.
How they can still good to me even tho I am really a rebel child back then.
How they can still not hurt and leave me when knowing my flaws.

I really love 'em. I wanna be a good child and be shalihah so I can enter the paradise. So I can invite 'em to paradise too.

Ya Allah please always give us guidance (hidayah) and protect us in any circumstances.
We are people, so we make mistakes sometimes. 
Please forgive us.
Please let all of us die in this manhaj salaf.

For my good friends, thank for always be there on happy and sad event.
Thanks for always there when I am on my lowest. 
When I make trouble and mistakes, ya'll still don't leave me and also remind me to not do that again.
Thanks you very much. 
I hope Allah bless you all too.

January 27, 2020 with some changes
At Malang


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