My Second Solo Book Released, In The Middle of Hectic.

Actually this issa bit surprised, when I just on a whim writing "I want to make another solo book this year" on my goals at diary.
And boom, it's really happened not even one year after I write my first one.
Eh, and I just realized too that I write there I wanna publish another solo book again x)
Life sometimes can't be predicted right?

Well, to be honest I am really confused too at that time, like, should I make another solo book?
But I haven't finished my bachelor degree's thesis. I try too seek for Allah's answer which is the best for me.
And so yeah, I try to ask my mom, should I make it or not. And when she said yes and even give me the money for the writing event, it's just clear my doubts. And I trust that this is Allah's answer.

When writing this book, it's really surprising too. The method issa bit different from my first book.
Because on "There Is Hope", I didn't set any words goals that I should write for everyday. I also not make a structured chapter,  each chapter only has one subchapter(?)
That's why I kinda not satisfied with my first book coz it's so thin. Well, I mean that's also reasonable because that's my first time, right?

On this second solo book, I make goals to write minimum 500 words for each day (this one is 20-days streak writing event). But, it's kinda funny too that I am too enthusiastic that I even hit 1000 words or more for few days. And when I try to think about it, I always writing 100+/200+/more words than my goals lol. Maybe it's really true that writing is my passion x')
I am kinda glad too before writing it, I also use my time at Ramadhan and before that to read more books (ebooks and physical books) as I getting my E-Reader. I also meet and talks with many people, got new experiences too. So I got so many insights to write it into a book.

And also, what's the difference from my first book, I have many references for my second book. I am not just use my imagination, because writing also have connection with our knowledges.
I asked my friends that related to the topics that I wanna write too. My friends are so precious, they are awesome masyaallah.

I wanna say many thanks for 'em to make me easier to write this book. Also to my parents & my besties that always support me.
For all the readers of this blog, for friends on the real life and social media. Thank you so much!
And ofc don't forget I can't do all of this without Allah's help. He's the one that makes me stronger.

I also makin' some simple drawing to be included on the inside of the book. So, the book isn't just having text, it's also has a visual picture that related to it.

Oh yea, maybe that some people are confused like, "What's so important to write a solo book during my hectic days?"
Can I say, biidznillah because of it I can start my normal days again. Coz before that I am feeling empty, and can't be productive at all. 
I can't draw, can't really enjoying to do everything, can't do my thesis properly, my sleeping schedule also messed up. That's why I got insomnia for few months, I can only sleep after 2 PM or even when dawn call to prayer.
And you know what? My insomnia's gone, biidznillah right after I start to writing my second solo book. Maybe it's also because that I got refreshing time with my family too. I am really glad, Alhamdulillah.
I can be productive and kinda normal again now. I can start my day without feeling guilty and stressed.

Anyway, this second solo book is open for preorder while I am still on the hectic day for my thesis:')
I'll do my best to graduate.

I try to make contents again for promoting this book on my Instagram, you can see the first post here.

This is the specifications of the book :
For Indonesian people, you can buy the book via my WhatsApp. 

Yes, the title is "Fragile; But Strong" That's so me. And maybe you too?

I have a philosophy for this title👀 If you're curious, you have to buy my book for the answer!

Thank you so much for reading this post until the end~

Friday, September 30, 2022.
At Malang.


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