I Make My First Solo Book In 15 Days!

Makin' a book within 15 days? 
Is that possible?
You must be joking!

That was also my thoughts at first.
But biidznillah Allah ease everything.
Can I say, 2021 lots of things happends for the first time for me. I have write it too on the previous post right?
Like, it was one of my dream to have my writing getting published by a publisher. I never thought it will going to happend on that very quick time!

Before writing my solo book, Allah also made it easy for me to join on an Anthology book project about this pandemic's wisdom. I write for several pages on that book about my story to find peace and also my tips to not getting futur on this pandemic situations.

And so yeah, several months after my anthology book published, I saw this event by the publisher. It's called "Writing In 15 Days".
What's makes me excited is that we can publish our solo book based on this event.
I won't miss this opportunity. I try to register and invite my friends to join it too. One of my friend is my bestie since chilhood, Ruray
Yeah, I and her share some same interest.

On that time, it was actually not easy to stay consistent writing on 15 days streak, but I don't want to lose any of the day. That Alhamdulillah, I have an idea to make some kinds of writing chart. I parted the ideas into 15, so I already have some clues and keywords about what I want to write on that 15 days without confuse what to write next.

I also helping Ruri to makes her writing more fit to the procedure xD It was fun actually ahah. I feels not alone that I have another friends who writes too.

Oh, anyway I write the topics about "Hope", as I get inspired by my own nickname and I always seeking for it since middle school maybe? Relate to it, I feel like i can write lots of things with this topic.
What makes me happier, I can also makes my own custom cover for this book, so yeah I make a drawing for it too.

And... Alhamdulillah on this beginning of the year, this book is open for pre-order for everyone on Indonesia:)
I make the promotion into a comic that you can see here

This is the specifications of the book :
If you are interested, you can hit me up here.

If you are interested on Ruri's book, you can also read it here.

That's all from me, thank you for reading❤️
Hope someday i can publish new solo book again aamiin.


Wednesday, January, 12, 2022.

At Mataram.


  1. MasyaAllah barakallahu fiik tayangnya aquuu. Congrats buat bukunya yak! Semoga makin banyak yang beli UwU, but most important of all, semoga bukunya bisa memberikan manfaat bagi banyak orang. ��

    Thank you udah mau aku repotin pas buat naskah huhu :'). Jazaakillah khayr beb �� May Allah grant us ease to be a better person :')

    ILY an awful lot ��

    1. Wa fiik barakallah juga bebb💖💖 Congrats for u too. Allahumma aamiin. Thanks for the wish❤️
      Your welcome bebbb, anything for u xixi. و أنت فَجَزَاك اللهُ خَيْرًا

      I LOVE YOU TOO 😘

  2. U should be my mentor next time kalau aku join lagi, ya ya ya :D

    1. I think i have no capacity to be called as mentor lolol. But i'll try my best to guide you to be better✨ May Allah ease every of our steps uwu

    2. UwU siyyap bebqyu ������


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