Saw Our Flaws

Sometimes u don't need people that agree to every flaws you make. But want to criticize you one by one so you can get better.

Sometimes i am okay with toxic positivity, as long as it can makes me better.

I am idealist, yes. But still wanna improve.

Funny to see people that seeking for attention for people to agree to their flaw. And make them walk in place. 
But it's wrong too if you reveal their flaw when you're not one by one.

I am talking for myself, this isn't linked to anyone of my friends or anyone (?).

Btw i am that weird person that really like when someone critize me one on one. 
They reveal my flaws, but then giving me solutions to get better. 
Because sometimes i am just human that can't see my own flaws.

You know, we are ease to find people flaws, but difficult to understand our own self and our flaws.
So have friends that wanna tell ur flaws and giving solutions? Keep themmmmm.

July 28, 2020.
At Dompu.


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