Being Woman

The more questions I had on my head...
Can I be a good wife?
Can I be a good mom?
You know... Being woman isn't easy.

You have to control your emotion,
You have to prepare foods and needs of your family,
You have to manage the finances,
You have to do the chores,
You have to carry your children and husband,
You have to cover your aurat, so it can't be seen by the non mahram,
You have to stay good as human being,
As you'll become the first "school" for your children.

Ah so that's why the change for it is paradise, as it's very difficult and not anyone can do it properly.
It's not easy at all.
I wonder, can I be the good wife and mother?
Oh Allah, please grant my wish and make it easy.
Oh Allah, please help me to be better. Aameen.

Thursday, December 16, 2021
At Mataram.


  1. MasyaAllah.. May Allah 'azza wa jalla grant u ease bb <3

    1. Allahumma aamiin, same wish for u too honeyy


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